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Documento Vivo – (Live Document)

Documento Vivo – (Live Document) is a new project I will be presenting in Sao Paulo.

As part of my PhotoPerformer investigation, I will be presenting a live performance, leading a collective training and creating an installation.

Documento Vivo - (Live Document)

During each day of the training we (participants) will establish the rules, the instructions and the duration…. then we will PLAY!

The training proposes the body of each participant as the subject of the experiment, as the space for interrogations and as emotional object for the construction of images.

The exercises will be based on three areas of research: the body, the mind and the emotional.

During the training we will investigate photography as a process of producing and altering the individual and collective memory.

The aim of the training is to prepare the body, mind and emotional state of each participant to undertake activity of transformation.

Each day we will transform our actions into documents, each day we will transform the documents into new documents, new documents into new actions and so on. We will explore patterns of repetitions, discovery, exhaustion and contamination.

At the end of the training the group will be ready to present our documents in the form of installation at the Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, Sao Paulo.

Each day one of the participant artist will be in charge of transforming the installation and documenting the end of his/her action. Each day the gallery will host the transformed installation as well as the documentation of the previous days. The PhotoPerformer is supported by the Art Council of England through a research and development grant.


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